Lördag 31 december 2022

Kalle visade vid den sista lunchen 2022 vad han tänkte på. Han ritade en 3:a med ketchup som skulle symbolisera ett nytt år, 2023. En typisk "Kalle-kommunikation". 🤗
I drygt 12 år har den här bloggen beskrivit alla guldkorn som Kalle sprider omkring sig. Jodå, ibland har det varit lite mer åt dammkornshållet som man helst sopar bort, men oftast guldkorn. Nu har Kalle kommit över till vuxenlivet och vi avslutar våra inlägg här. 
Gott Nytt År från Kalle

Postat av: Therese Törnvall

Kommer sakna inläggen och Kalle sååå mycket! <3 Tack Kalle för allt du lärt mig och all kärlek du spridit.

Svar: Han tackar tillbaka, allt du lärt honom!
None None

2023-01-10 @ 10:24:48
Postat av: Richardcok

This photographer's rucksack and capturing experiences. For photography enthusiasts who value preserving the realm through their digicam, the photo lover's pack is your equipment-friendly companion, ensuring your tools is arranged and protected for every photo expedition. Imagine reaching at a busy street fair, the rucksack's cushioned slots protecting your video camera body and various lenses, permitting you to promptly swap attachments to capture the perfect photo. Visualize you taking pictures of a stunning sunset on a isolated beach, the backpack's weather condition resilient exterior shielding your gear from the elements. The photographer's haven includes a dedicated tripod fastening system, liberating your hands for maneuvering uneven terrain, and a removable digicam section that can be doubled as a slingback backpack for light excursions. Inner mesh slots offer easy storage for smaller accessories like memory cards, maintaining linen, and extra electric batteries. Embrace the globe through your camera with the assurance of the camera enthusiast's pack, your gateway to organizing your tools sorted and secure, guaranteeing you did not miss snapping a compelling moment.

women's handbag

Multi-use Bags and A Necessity for Busy Ladies 767d71f

2024-07-17 @ 05:13:10
Postat av: Linksyszdx

A handwritten book is a book

2024-12-27 @ 09:09:50

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